Annex V- Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships

Regulation 3 - Disposal of garbage outside special areas

(1) Subject to the provisions of regulations 4, 5 and 6 of this Annex:

  (a) the disposal into the sea of all plastics, including but not limited to synthetic ropes, synthetic fishing nets, plastic garbage bags and incinerator ashes from plastic products which may contain toxic or heavy metal residues, is prohibited;
  (b) the disposal into the sea of the following garbage shall be made as far as practicable from the nearest land but in any case is prohibited if the distance from the nearest land is less than:
    (i) 25 nautical miles for dunnage, lining and packing materials which will float;
    (ii) 12 nautical miles for food wastes and all other garbage including paper products, rags, glass, metal, bottles, crockery and similar refuse;
  (c) disposal into the sea of garbage specified in subparagraph(b)(ii) of this regulation may be permitted when it has passed through a comminuter or grinder and made as far as practicable from the nearest land but in any case is prohibited if the distance from the nearest land is less than 3 nautical miles. Such comminuted or ground garbage shall be capable of passing through a screen with openings no greater than 25 mm.

(2) When the garbage is mixed with other discharges having different disposal or discharge requirements the more stringent requirements shall apply.