Annex II- Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk

Chapter 1 - General

Regulation 1

For the purposes of this Annex:

1 Anniversary date means the day and the month of each year which will correspond to the date of expiry of the International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk.

2 Associated piping means the pipeline from the suction point in a cargo tank to the shore connection used for unloading the cargo and includes all ship’s piping, pumps and filters which are in open connection with the cargo unloading line.

3 Ballast water

Clean ballast means ballast water carried in a tank which, since it was last used to carry a cargo containing a substance in category X, Y or Z, has been thoroughly cleaned and the residues resulting therefrom have been discharged and the tank emptied in accordance with the appropriate requirements of this Annex.

Segregated ballast means ballast water introduced into a tank permanently allocated to the carriage of ballast or cargoes other than oil or noxious liquid substances as variously defined in the Annexes of the present Convention, and which is completely separated from the cargo and oil fuel system.

4 Chemical Codes

Bulk Chemical Code means the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk adopted by the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the Organization by resolution MEPC.20(22), as amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted and brought into force in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of the present Convention concerning amendment procedures applicable to an appendix to an Annex.

International Bulk Chemical Code means the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk adopted by the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the Organization by resolution MEPC.19(22), as amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are adopted and brought into force in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of the present Convention concerning amendment procedures applicable to an appendix to an Annex.

5 Depth of water means the charted depth.

6 En route means that the ship is under way at sea on a course or courses, including deviation from the shortest direct route, which as far as practicable for navigational purposes, will cause any discharge to be spread over as great an area of the sea as is reasonable and practicable.

7 Liquid substances are those having a vapour pressure not exceeding 0.28 MPa absolute at a temperature of 37.8°C.

8 Manual means Procedures and Arrangements Manual in accordance with the model given in appendix 6 of this Annex.

9 Nearest land. The term ‘‘from the nearest land’’ means from the baseline from which the territorial sea in question is established in accordance with international law, except that, for the purposes of the present Convention ‘‘from the nearest land’’ off the north-eastern coast of Australia shall mean from the line drawn from a point on the coast of Australia in:

  latitude 11°00’ S, longitude 142°08’ E
to a point in latitude 10°35’ S, longitude 141°55’ E,
thence to a point latitude 10°00’ S, longitude 142°00’ E,
thence to a point latitude 09°10’ S, longitude 143°52’ E,
thence to a point latitude 09°00’ S, longitude 144°30’ E,
thence to a point latitude 10°41’ S, longitude 145°00’ E,
thence to a point latitude 13°00’ S, longitude 145°00’ E,
thence to a point latitude 15°00’ S, longitude 146°00’ E,
thence to a point latitude 17°30’ S, longitude 147°00’ E,
thence to a point latitude 21°00’ S, longitude 152°55’ E,
thence to a point latitude 24°30’ S, longitude 154°00’ E,
thence to a point on the coast of Australia
in latitude 24°42’ S, longitude 153°15’ E.

10 Noxious liquid substance means any substance indicated in the Pollution Category column of chapter 17 or 18 of the International Bulk Chemical Code or provisionally assessed under the provisions of regulation 6.3 as falling into category X, Y or Z.

11 ppm means ml/m3.

12 Residue means any noxious liquid substance which remains for disposal.

13 Residue/water mixture means residue to which water has been added for any purpose (e.g. tank cleaning, ballasting, bilge slops).

14 Ship construction

14.1 Ship constructed means a ship the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar stage of construction. A ship converted to a chemical tanker, irrespective of the date of construction, shall be treated as a chemical tanker constructed on the date on which such conversion commenced. This conversion provision shall not apply to the modification of a ship which complies with all of the following conditions:

  .1 the ship is constructed before 1 July 1986; and
  .2 the ship is certified under the Bulk Chemical Code to carry only those products identified by the Code as substances with pollution hazards only.

14.2 Similar stage of construction means the stage at which:

  .1 construction identifiable with a specific ship begins; and
  .2 assembly of that ship has commenced comprising at least 50 tonnes or one per cent of the estimated mass of all structural material, whichever is less.

15 Solidifying/non-solidifying

15.1 Solidifying substance means a noxious liquid substance which:

  .1 in the case of a substance with a melting point of less than 15°C, is at a temperature of less than 5°C above its melting point at the time of unloading; or
  .2 in the case of a substance with a melting point of equal to or greater than 15°C, is at a temperature of less than 10°C above its melting point at the time of unloading.

15.2 Non-solidifying substance means a noxious liquid substance, which is not a solidifying substance.

16 Tanker

16.1 Chemical tanker means a ship constructed or adapted for the carriage in bulk of any liquid product listed in chapter 17 of the International Bulk Chemical Code.

16.2 NLS tanker means a ship constructed or adapted to carry a cargo of noxious liquid substances in bulk and includes an ‘‘oil tanker’’ as defined in Annex I of the present Convention when certified to carry a cargo or part cargo of noxious liquid substances in bulk.

17 Viscosity

17.1 High-viscosity substance means a noxious liquid substance in category X or Y with a viscosity equal to or greater than 50 mPa·s at the unloading temperature.

17.2 Low-viscosity substance means a noxious liquid substance which is not a high-viscosity substance.