Additional Information

Additional Information - 1

List of unified interpretations of MARPOL Annexes I, III and VI
1 List of unified interpretations of Annex I
MEPC 52/24, annex 3 Unified interpretations of the revised MARPOL Annex I
MEPC 53/24, annex 18 Unified interpretation of regulation 19
MEPC 53/24, annex 31 Unified interpretation of regulation 21.2
MEPC 54/21, annex 7 Unified interpretation of regulation 12A*
MEPC 54/21, annex 8 Unified interpretation of regulation 22.5
MEPC 54/21, annex 18 Unified interpretation of regulation 27
2 List of unified interpretations of Annex III
MEPC 36/22, paragraph 9.42 and annex 7 Unified interpretation of regulation 4(3) of Annex III
3 List of unified interpretations of Annex VI
MEPC 53/24, annex 13 Unified interpretations of MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx Technical Code
* Regulation 12A is expected to enter into force on 1 August 2007.